WE have all heard this dialogue from the iconic Film Jab we met .I thought of

applying this for the Topic of my Blog. Before every class the first question

asked by Abhiraj is that ,do we have any doubts? form the topics from the

last class or any from the previous classes. If we come up with doubts ,it

clearly indicates that we are practicing everyday and after Abhiraj clears

our doubts with his charismatic teaching skills ,we have a clear picture and

understand the concept perfectly.

So today Abhiraj decided to clear all doubts and not start with a new Topic.

And of course we had lots of doubts today ,thanks to Swarangis’s initiative

of having practice sessions on Club house app, where we discuss specific


So lets start eins ,zwei ,drei los…..

So the first question was asked by Supriya :

Is every verb in 2A category also in 3 always or only sometimes? so Abhiraj

said ,it is only sometimes as 3 is a subset of 2A .IT is like all maharashtrians are

Indians but all Indians are not Maharashtrians .Abhiraj also explained the verb

valency by giving the example of how we change gears while driving. We

know the Gears have to be changed from 4th to 3rd to 2nd etc but when we

drive in to a crowded area ,we apply the breaks and come directly to the 2nd

same applies to the verbs ,we can take the verbs in our control.

for example the verb registrieren. In order to do the action of registrieren

what do we need ,like I register myself for a course or I register you.

Ich registriere dich fΓΌr den Kurs . So it is Akkusativ -2A .Similarly verbs like

rauchen trinken are 2A ,where we necessarily don’t see the object but there

is an object.

So the next doubt the we came up with were about the verbs bitten and

bieten. so with this we also learnt how to read the Dictionary πŸ™‚

In duden we looked up a sentence for bitten

jemanden um Geld bitten-this tells us clearly that this verb is akkusativ, if

it was dativ it would show as jemandem.

We checked the online dictionary https://en.langenscheidt.com

here it clearly shows if the verb is akkusativ it says transitives verbs 2A

meaning the action transfers from the subject to the object.

Intransitives verbs are 1 ,they don’t transfer into an object.

verbs like reagieren -intransitives verb

it shows ( re’ g I :r e n) v/t<kein ge-;h> that is kein g and hat

Now lets take the verb sprechen it is intransitives verb. In the

dictionary it always shows the conjugation (spricht ,sprach, gesprochen)

also the pronunciation is like spre-chen

Another interesting verb was kosten we only thought costed means to cost

or a price eg; es kostest mich viel Geld. but it also means to taste

kosten probieren


feinkostladen-exowic product shop

kostlichkeit-fest essen deliciousness

kosten can have 2 distinct akk objects or dative object.

eg; es kann ihn das Hals kosten.

das wird manchem das Leben kosten.

We also learnt innotation and connotation.

Innotation is the literal meaning of a word.

Connatation is beyond its literal meaning.

for example WINTER IS COMING.-it actually means hard times are coming

another example is the color blue it is also used to describe a feeling of

sadness. or like I will get in touch with you.in German we say

ich melde mich wieder. or Wir sprechen noch.

Next we discussed another doubt that supriya came up with about

using two konnektoren in one sentence

ich bin verwirrt ,ob ich tee trinken oder Kaffee trinken will.

so abhiraj explained this with these sentences

I told him yesterday

I will not do this

I will also not involve anyone else

so when we translate this into german

ic habe ihm gesagt ,dass(Nebensatz conjunction)ich es nicht tue

und ich niemanden mitbringe.

here und is combining the nebensatz and in the same hauptsatz that

is why the verb position.

now lets take another sentence

I told him yesterday

I will not do this

I walked away

Ich habe ihm gesagt ,dass ich es nicht tue und dann ging ich

weg. in this sentence there is a new hauptsatz so here und is not

a dass Satz so the verb position is different.

ADUSO are very neutral conjunctions we just have to see that

what we are connecting is logically dependent on the verb or is

it separate.

So here I come to the end of my Blog.


Mandakini Nair


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