Beginning of Konjunktiv ( 04/08/2021)

We started the day by solving few difficulties in Passiv, like Wir repariern das Auto. ( aktiv) Wir lassen das Auto repariern. ( Passiv). Abhiraj explained this beautifully with one more example. Ich bekomme einen Brief. Here receiving is already passiv activity like in the above sentence where we don’t actually repair the car. SoContinue reading “Beginning of Konjunktiv ( 04/08/2021)”

Relativsätze ( 14th July 2021)

The session started with solving the doubts in Reflexive Verben. After the brief discussion on that we moved ahead from where we left on Monday. On monday we discussed the Nominativ Case in Relativsätze. Please refer Ratnesh’s blog We begined with few examples in English This is the Mechanic. He repairs the cars veryContinue reading “Relativsätze ( 14th July 2021)”

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