Passiv und Konjunktiv – Introduction

To begin with today’s topic, we had to go back to the previous concept of Verb Flexion (Beugung), where we had seen the first two parameters, namely Zeitform and Konjugation. Just to brush up on these concepts – Zeitform (Wann?)- When did the action take place? This is further divided into 3 types –a. VergangenheitContinue reading “Passiv und Konjunktiv – Introduction”

The Shahrukh Verbs (Verben mit festen präpositionen)

Wednesday’s class started as usual with the doubt solving session. Shivani had a doubt regarding the use of ‘negativ artikel’ kein and the ‘artikelwörter’ kein. To clarify this, Abhiraj asked us the difference between the two. The point is that there is no difference between the two! Eg – Kein ventilator funktioniert nicht.Here, kein substitutesContinue reading “The Shahrukh Verbs (Verben mit festen präpositionen)”

17/5/21 – Day 4 – Die Artikel

After 3 intense days of the Entity and Action affair, the fourth day greeted us with a fresh new concept of grammar – Die Artikel. It started with the information that an article provides regarding an entity –1. Gender2. Number3. Cases4. Specificity 1. Gender The article defines the gender of the entity1. der (masculine)2. dasContinue reading “17/5/21 – Day 4 – Die Artikel”

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