Passiv + Zeitformen

Simply describing Passiv in one sentence – it is just a normal sentence, the only tweak is that the sentence is from the Object-Perspective or Action-Perspective.  For more details on Passiv, do check out Rudresh’s blog.  So now let’s move forward to understanding Passiv in various Zeitformen.  Something Abhiraj put emphasis on is that weContinue reading “Passiv + Zeitformen”

The Flip Slide of Konnektoren

28th June, Monday So we looked at Co-ordinating Conjunctions. We’re done with Subordinating Conjunctions. (Check out Shivani’s blog. It’s been explained in such detail and with so many examples.) Now let’s move to the “Others”. So what’s so special about these “Others” Konnektoren?  What sets them apart from the Co-ordinating and Subordinating ones? They don’t reallyContinue reading “The Flip Slide of Konnektoren”

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