28. Juli – Artikelwörter

Artikelwörter We classify Artikel as ‘bestimmt’ and ‘unbestimmt’. We can make the same distinction with Artikelwörter as well. Rules for the endings change with whether they are singular or plural. Case for Singular Bestimmt Artikelwörter These can directly replace a bestimmt Artikel (der, die, das) in a sentence. They are words such as jed-,jen-,dies- etc.Continue reading “28. Juli – Artikelwörter”

Beginning of Konjunktiv ( 04/08/2021)

We started the day by solving few difficulties in Passiv, like Wir repariern das Auto. ( aktiv) Wir lassen das Auto repariern. ( Passiv). Abhiraj explained this beautifully with one more example. Ich bekomme einen Brief. Here receiving is already passiv activity like in the above sentence where we don’t actually repair the car. SoContinue reading “Beginning of Konjunktiv ( 04/08/2021)”

Passiv und Konjunktiv – Introduction

To begin with today’s topic, we had to go back to the previous concept of Verb Flexion (Beugung), where we had seen the first two parameters, namely Zeitform and Konjugation. Just to brush up on these concepts – Zeitform (Wann?)- When did the action take place? This is further divided into 3 types –a. VergangenheitContinue reading “Passiv und Konjunktiv – Introduction”

Passiv + Zeitformen

Simply describing Passiv in one sentence – it is just a normal sentence, the only tweak is that the sentence is from the Object-Perspective or Action-Perspective.  For more details on Passiv, do check out Rudresh’s blog.  So now let’s move forward to understanding Passiv in various Zeitformen.  Something Abhiraj put emphasis on is that weContinue reading “Passiv + Zeitformen”

Indirekt Fragesätze

What is an Indirekt fragesätze? They are subordinate clauses that look more polite. Fragesätze is just a question in a fancy way. Indirect questions are questions that are included within the structure of another sentence because indirect questions are dependent clauses(Nebensätze),so we have to change the position of the verb. Indirect questions follow certain questionContinue reading “Indirekt Fragesätze”

Last part of Relativsätze

Before jumping into the last part, firstly we’ll just have a look on what does exactly relativsätze mean.  Relative sentences provide additional information about a person or thing. They start with a relative pronoun. They are subordinate clauses, so the conjugated verb is a at the end. So the class started with sentences that ShilpaContinue reading “Last part of Relativsätze”

Relativsätze ( 14th July 2021)

The session started with solving the doubts in Reflexive Verben. After the brief discussion on that we moved ahead from where we left on Monday. On monday we discussed the Nominativ Case in Relativsätze. Please refer Ratnesh’s blog https://endlichgramification.wordpress.com/2021/07/15/relativsatze-12th-july-2021/ We begined with few examples in English This is the Mechanic. He repairs the cars veryContinue reading “Relativsätze ( 14th July 2021)”

Relativsätze (12th July 2021 )

The Topic for todays class is “Relativsätze” But before going for Relativsätze, we once again revise Nebensatze conditions In all Nebensatze some rules are going to be similar for eg in a cricket match the setup may change but the structure will remain similar that 11 player plays from each side, but T20, ODI hasContinue reading “Relativsätze (12th July 2021 )”

The Shahrukh Verbs (Verben mit festen präpositionen)

Wednesday’s class started as usual with the doubt solving session. Shivani had a doubt regarding the use of ‘negativ artikel’ kein and the ‘artikelwörter’ kein. To clarify this, Abhiraj asked us the difference between the two. The point is that there is no difference between the two! Eg – Kein ventilator funktioniert nicht.Here, kein substitutesContinue reading “The Shahrukh Verbs (Verben mit festen präpositionen)”


Haar ko harane mein agar daag lag jaaye…..toh daag acche hain!!!! Kuch isi tarah se restless sawaalon ko ek interesting learning banane mein dimaag mein doubts aa jaaye, toh doubts acche hain. Einfach gesagt, doubts are perhaps the first sound step to learning. And why am I being so philosophical about doubts? Well, that isContinue reading “FROM DOUBT TO SELF LOVE”

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