Getting into time – Zeitformen

I was dreading the fact that I have to write a blog article, something I haven’t done before, but now that I’ve typed the first few words, I already feel confident enough to share everything I have on my mind! As Abhiraj says, it’s okay to make mistakes, but very important for us to learnContinue reading “Getting into time – Zeitformen”

The curious cases of cases🤷‍♀️

Friday morning…..The day started with Good morning. What did we learn today then? Let’s dive right into it.Our class started with the tips(Abhiraj already know the issues with us:)) , regarding homework to translate 5 sentences with the whole mechanism. Analysis before translation is important. After translation, it is not possible to analyze the technicalityContinue reading “The curious cases of cases🤷‍♀️”

Diving deep into the world of Prepositions .

Friday morning, A fresh bright start of the day with a cup of tea and good morning greetings. We were going to dive deep into the the spice of Prepositions .Of course we weren’t just done by Knowing “DUBOGEFriend” and “MAN VS BAGZ”. But before diving deep we decided to just revise it once byContinue reading “Diving deep into the world of Prepositions .”


It was bright and early 7am on a Wednesday morning. Our class began with the loved or maybe not so loved prepositions. We all have learnt Akkusativ  prepositions before in the form of FUDOGE or DOGFU the very typical way, Abhiraj Sir had a wonderful new way which stayed with him for so many  yearsContinue reading “DIVING INTO THE WORLD OF PREPOSITIONS”

Preposition: The Spice of a Language

Today, the 24th of May 2021 started on a lighter note. We exchanged our greetings and Abhiraj opened his discussion on Dative Verbs. He suggested that we revise the Dative verbs – helfen, danken, antworten, gratulieren, gefallen, passen, gehören, schenken, es geht – thoroughly. He mentioned that during his school days he learned all theContinue reading “Preposition: The Spice of a Language”


Today’s class too was “Besonders” as visual. We covered a very important aspect of Bestimmt and Unbestimmt article. The topic we learnt was Artikel wörter. Before going into the details of Atikelwörter we had a small discussion on “Composition”. So how do we define Composition? Two or more words clubbed together are defined as Composition.Continue reading ”             Artikelwörter”


Today’s class too was “Besonders” as visual. We covered a very important aspect of Bestimmt and Unbestimmt article. The topic we learnt was Artikel wörter. Before going into the details of Atikelwörter we had a small discussion on “Composita”. So how do we define Composita? Two or more words clubbed together are defined as Composition.Continue reading ”             Artikelwörter”

17/5/21 – Day 4 – Die Artikel

After 3 intense days of the Entity and Action affair, the fourth day greeted us with a fresh new concept of grammar – Die Artikel. It started with the information that an article provides regarding an entity –1. Gender2. Number3. Cases4. Specificity 1. Gender The article defines the gender of the entity1. der (masculine)2. dasContinue reading “17/5/21 – Day 4 – Die Artikel”

Day 3 – An Intimate Affair with Verbs

We continued to the Entity and Action affair – the true-blue bond, where one cannot exist without the other. Whether we catalogue their story into the terminology of Grammar or simply find them in the reality surrounding us. So, we could try to define “move” and yet not find the words until we see “theContinue reading “Day 3 – An Intimate Affair with Verbs”

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